Friday, February 5, 2010


omg sorry i havent been on this for a long time. but i just had to share this i put a new pict on my gmail. its so cute.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hi well i had an ok weakend. thursday was my last day of camp all thow it was supost to be friday. my family had to go to a family reunion it was ok, but i didnt want to go because i couldent see my campers for well eather a long time or never. so i was so so so sad.

well we went up to brimertion to stay with my grandmas cousin well when we got there aunt terisa, unkle jeff and my two cousins were there keirstan and kjersti. it was so nice to see them again. there was my other cousin breal she is about 5 years old and her parients. i didnt know if she would remember me but when she saw me she just jumped in to my arms it was so cute. then there was a boy namedtyler he is 13 years old and tylers sister jamey is 10. I saw them fighting im all like "you guys are worse then me and my sister."

so it was nice to hang out with them more. the next day we went to some ones house and had lunch and dinner there. well after a wile it got a little boring but then some of my other cousins that i didnt know excisted came and brot skatebords well i was trying to do a trick and i skidded. HARD!!!! when i fell and saw what happend i just started to laph it was funny. so i went in and cleaned it and my dad got this pain free spray and i thought it would sting but it didnt. AT ALL!!! i was so amased. and then i was just running around like nothing ever happend. well we went to the house and i wanted to watch greese and i got a little sick from watching all the smoke. well i went to bed and at 3 o'clock in the morning my leg started to just STING!!! BADLY!!! and i could not go back to sleep then around 8 o'clock i finaly went to sleep but it was only for 30 min.

so ya now it still hearts some times but not as bad:))

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Well today was ok at camp harlow the parint of derek asked if he could be moved to a different group, a group with boys. I was so sad because him and tweety got along so well. so we have 3 girls. I tryed to spend time olone with them as i could. it went prety well.:)

I was so dis a pointed because i had the rotation wile they were swimming and i had to go to the hot stinkey horses i was so so sad. Yes i like horses but i would have rath gone swimming. oh well ill try not to get a rotation buring swimming so i wont be so grumpy:I

Monday, August 10, 2009

camp harlow/ my time:)

well for camp harlow im a CAP ist a thats what counsler asistent. and us CAPs had to go to this meeting and we had a rotation that we had to volinter for there is horses, canno pond, putting bracelits on kids if they pass the swim test and worley bird.

Its two big swings that go around and around and it does go around by its self but its so slow so we have to push it fast so the kids will have more fun. Thats what i did. well adam (whos camp name is shish kabob) was before me and i got there like 3 min. early and when he was done i stept in and he offerd a Mt. Dew and i said nah at first but he said that i would need it. so i couldnt refuse. So i did that, it was so sweet of him to do that:) i cant what for tomarrow:)

camp harlow/ campers

well today was week #2 of day camp at camp harlow. it was so funny i got some of the same campers. there is Amber she is 9years old, Jade is 6 and lozia (lootseya) is 6 and then there was derek he is i think 5 but at first it was hard to talk and i started asking him stuff like what is your fave. animal? what is your fave. color? but thin i struck gold i asked him what his fave. tv show is and he said batman and he just went on and on and on about it. then i asked what is his fave. toy? and he said thins batman thing. but i couldnt realy hear him because he was so quite.

well the three girls kept calling me mushu because that was my camp name but then i found out that some one else had that name so i had to chang it to vortex. but it was a little confusing. so ya it was a great day.

oh my counslers name is tweety she is so cool and i think its rely cool that im taller than her. well there is regular and extended care. extended care is where kids stay a little bit longer. but all my kids went regular care. so i helped cheacka (cheeka) with her 3 boys jacob, pears and kenny. they were cool. But i was glad to help her because her counsler went to a drivers ed or some think. so that was fun cant what for tomarrow:)

Monday, August 3, 2009


hay people sorry i havent writen in a long time. well i have alot to writng about. Well i am about to be in 8th grade and Adam (a guy that i have a crush on for about 3 years now) a grade a head of me is now in the high school group at church. So this is were i'm a doufis, well i asked shirlanna (one of my best friends) if she would go cafe with me so i could see addom. The cafe is near is the doors of the high school room. So i had shirlanna stay with me untill addom came well i saw him i pretended not to see him and cept on talking with shirlanna. Then he passes right behind me and sat right next to me and just joind the conversation. Then there was a long slince and i looked shirlanna and i knew that she was going to say something. I just looked at her and my eyes said "dont say it dont say it" but she did " well this is aquard" she said i looked at her in discuss. but then the next couple words that came out of adams mouth suprised. "Some times silents doesent have to be aquard" and i was so suprised. Then shirlanna lift with me and adam watching her leave. And the funnest thing happend shirlanna triped over nothing it was hilarious. So then adam asked what was new and i sad that my dads toe was broken wich was dome of me i said it just to say something. Then my phone went off, it was my dad saying that we are leaving, i texted back ok be right there. and thats the last time i saw adam about 2 weeks agow. its so sad:"(

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

camp harlow

today and yeasterday I wen't to camp harlow to help councerlers with little kids so they can have fun, and be safe.and I got pared up with Pepper and a nother SRS named popsocal. now I'm caled a SRS= solid rosk servis. and we have to pick a camp name. I did this sast year and my name was mouchu you know like the dragon from mulan. well there is this guy that had that name and he wasn't going to be there that year so I had it. then this year came and I had to change my name so I pisked meco. and I found out that a friend of mine was that. so now my camp name is VORTEX. he he I like it like alot. to whrn ever some one says "hi vortex" I say "of doom" it's funny. well the kids I'm taking care of are so shy we only have 2 kids and 1 councerler and 2 SRS's. then the second day was better because the kids were like opening up to us moor. one is Milisa and the other is Lilly. Milisa is almost as tall as me and that feels weird to me because I always had kids like way smaller than me. but by the end of the week I think we are going to be just the best of friends.